Acknowledging things that are going wrong gives us a great reason to feel sorry for ourselves. They help us to find a reason why we can’t do something. Why we lack motivation. Why we can’t achieve in business. Great reasons to just give up.

It is so very easy to complain, to make a complaint. The paperwork took longer than you expected, you forgot to take something with you and had to go and buy it when you got there, the bouquet you ordered wasn’t as nice as you’d hoped, the flight was delayed.

How often do we accentuate the Positive things in our lives? Probably not very often.

We don’t need to feel sorry for ourselves, we need to feel motivated, on top of it all, able to achieve, visualise our success, watch our business grow.

We did, eventually, complete the paperwork, we were able to purchase the item we needed and the flight landed safely.

Upon disembarkation from a flight, the crew wait to say goodbye to you, and most people walk by saying nothing or ‘Bye’ or maybe ‘Thanks’. Have you ever tried saying ‘Thankyou for looking after me, that was a great flight?’ That’s what I say – it’s worthwhile just to see the look of appreciation on the crew’s faces?

If flowers arrive damaged, we always phone up and complain. However, when the flowers you send arrive and they are beautiful, do you phone up the florist and thank them? I do. They are delighted to hear that their creative work is appreciated.

It’s so easy to make complaints but if you are prepared to spare the time from your busy schedule to complain, why not take the time to compliment too?

When you are telling your friends and colleagues about what is going wrong, why not stop and tell them two or three things that are going right. They are there if you look and positivity breeds positivity.

You may find it motivating and rewarding to eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive.